Call for papers: 1st “Crisis in healthcare” conference, 16-17 July 2022

Keynote Speaker:  Esterbrook Longmaid III

Abstract Due Date: June 17 2022


This conference brings together academics, educators, clinicians, practitioners and others from a wide variety of fields, for a collaborative, multidisciplinary exploration of the ways in which the pandemic has impacted education, and medical / nursing education. All abstracts are peer-reviewed. Themes and issues for the conference include, but are not limited to:


Stream A:          The emotional crisis among clinicians and practitioners

What are the mental health impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare workers? What has happened to their sleep, diet, relationships, parenting, drug and alcohol abuse, depression and suicide? What coping mechanisms are there? How should employers, governments, families and friends respond over the longer term? How can managers and administrators help their teams handle stress and anxiety – what can they do for themselves? How has the pandemic shaped the emotional work of providing care? Where has it led to a sense of moral injury, as employers, workplaces and governments use healthcare personnel without proper regard for their safety and well-being? To what extent does this crisis reflect the offloading of healthcare from public to private providers? How has it shaped established emotional issues in healthcare – empathy in medical internship and beyond, exhaustion, PTSD, the loss of face time in virtual relationships, and resiliency?


Stream B:         Crises and communication

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted many communication problems in our societies. Governments have not been able to convince people to get vaccinated. The media, politicians and others complain of fake news, and misinformation. Anti-vaxxers seem to communicate effectively to their community, where public health figures seem less effective. Social media bubbles and conspiracy theories give rise to unpredictable public beliefs and behaviours. Part of these crises involves how we use language, images, the media. Why is communication in crisis, across our cultures and societies? We welcome papers exploring these and other issues. We welcome experience narratives, case studies, and situation reports from members of the public, people working in any related field, and specialists. For more information on this, please click here.


Stream C:           Virtual consultations

Virtual consultation have been widely used in the pandemic, and are likely to remain once the virus has been handled. What are the potentials, and limitations of online methods? To what extent can  telecommunications stand in for face-to-face relationships? How does it impact clinicians’ and practitioners’ workload and pay? How does it change the roles of office staff, how we interact with team members, hospital administration, insurance companies and others? How has this changed patient expectations? How does this trend interact with the public’s use of online medical information and resources, more broadly? How is it changing their understanding of clinical roles and functions? How can we improve telemedicine?


Stream D:           Data analytics and the pandemic

In order to find out how the pandemic is impacting medical and nursing students, we are soliciting papers from medical and nursing educators. These papers ask use structured interviews, and evaluate the data with content analysis software. Conference participants interested in cooperating with this effort will publish papers in a journal special issue with HEDRA advisory board members.  If you are interested in this, please click here.


The conference welcomes abstracts from academics and researchers working on healthcare communication, caregivers, clinicians and doctors working in any medical field, clinical, hospital and medical administrators, people working in inter-professional fields, medical educators, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, psychologists and others. We also welcome experience narratives, case studies, and situation reports from members of the public, people working in any related field, and specialists. For more information on this, please click here.  Participants will be able to watch a plenary session, and participate in a live-stream round table, and a conference round table discussions.


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