Keynote Speaker: H.E. Longmaid III
Abstract Due Date: 17 June 2022
RegisterThis conference brings together academics, researchers, educators and others from a wide variety of fields, for a collaborative, multidisciplinary and humanistic exploration of these challenges and issues. All abstracts are peer-reviewed. Themes and issues for the conference include, but are not limited to:
Stream A: End-of-life care
The pandemic has highlighted a dimension of healthcare that has been understood by hospital administrators and policy makers for some time – the complex administrative issues healthcare systems and practitioners face because of limited resources and economic disparities. In the current pandemic, what systems have been put into place to flatten the curve, mitigating the spread of disease so as to not overwhelm hospital systems? How were principles identified, and operationalised? How is it working, and how is it being evaluated? What are the elements of a system-wide basis for allocating scarce resources such as ICU beds and ventilators? We also welcome experience narratives, case studies, and situation reports from members of the public, people working in any related field, and specialists. For more information on this, please click here.
Stream B: Workplace Communication
Language and communication are a part of facilitating every workplace and organisational activity and objective. We welcome papers exploring all aspects of organisational communic ation, in the pandemic, including verbal, written, visual, multimodal, and across platforms and modalities such as email, text messages, videoconferencing and other virtual tools, among many. We welcome papers on the impacts of cultural and intercultural differences, skill gaps, building relationships, internet and virtual etiquette, collaborative writing, and on problems encountered. Healthcare and other professionals have been moving within countries and internationally, during the pandemic. Often, language certifications are required. What are the strengths and weakness of the well-known English language tests? What are the professional language challenges, when relocating during the pandemic? What are the likely communication challenges, as the world adjusts to Covid?
Stream C: Resource disparities
The allocation of scarce healthcare resources has ethical, legal and social dimensions. How have these played out, in the pandemic? How can we alleviate pressures on healthcare systems in a time of pandemic? How does scarcity interact with politics, geopolitics, and the economy? How have governments and hospitals decided to prioritise who receives treatments and equipment? How do they score patients and comorbidities, and how do we understand accuracy and fairness in such situations? How have the courts intervened? On a global scale, social and economic inequity and regional disparities impact the supply and distribution of resources. How have hospital administrators, clinical managers and frontline staff handled shortages? To what degree are these a problem of supply chain? What are the issues with recycling, decontamination and re-use? What are the ethics of countries buying up international supplies? We welcome papers on these and other topics. We also welcome experience narratives, case studies, and situation reports from members of the public, people working in any related field, and specialists. For more information on this, please click here.
Stream D: Data analytics and the pandemic
In order to find out how the pandemic is impacting hospital administrators and clinical managers, we are soliciting papers from medical administrators and practitioners in all areas. These papers ask use structured interviews, and evaluate the data with content analysis software. Conference participants interested in cooperating with this effort will publish papers in a journal special issue with HEDRA advisory board members. If you are interested in this, please click here.
The conference welcomes abstracts from academics, researcher, caregivers, clinicians and doctors working in any medical field, clinical, hospital and medical administrators, people working in interprofessional fields, medical educators, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, psychologists and others. We also welcome experience narratives, case studies, and situation reports from members of the public, people working in any related field, and specialists. For more information on this, please click here. Participants will be able to watch a plenary session, and participate in a live-stream roundtable, and a conference roundtable discussions.